Swiss MOOC Service

Funding: Swissuniversities, programme: SUC P-2 "Scientific information: access, processing and safeguarding"

Project Leader : Patrick Jermann, CEDE, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Period: 1 Jan. 2018 – 1 Aug. 2020


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are transforming the way universities teach in and out of campus. The distribution of online courses by Swiss institutions of higher education is essential in taking up the new challenges posed by the ongoing digital revolution. In the past four years, several Swiss institutions have experimented with MOOCs totaling almost 100 online courses. The Swiss MOOC Service platform aims at opening new opportunities for all institutions of higher education by facilitating their entry into a globalized online education market and with a curricular integration foster pedagogy centred active learning and exams of their on-campus students.


The objective of the project is to develop a viable solution for MOOC distribution that fulfils four criteria. The importance of each criteria differs given the use case under consideration. For on campus distribution, legal compliance with local jurisdiction and campus synchronization in delivery are key. For continuing education, commercial independence is most relevant. To address a worldwide campus, the scalability aspect is prominent.

Missions of this projects are:

  1. Establish a scalable MOOC distribution platform capable of serving Swiss institutes of higher education by respecting legal compliance and enabling campus synchronization as well as commercial independence from commercial platforms.
  2. Integrate the platform with pre-existing national services used by the academic community in Switzerland (AAI, CAST, SEB, etc.).
  3. Build and establish SEB(Safe Exame Browser) Server as means for conducting high-stake online exams within the MOOC distribution platform.
  4. Create foundations for the extension of the service to support more advanced evolutions like learning analytics and automated grading.
  5. Set up the conditions for Swiss MOOC Service to become financially sustainable.

My contribution

Resercher expert in educational technologies



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